Vendor Information
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General Market Info
Aug. 1, 2009 FIRE!
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Vendor Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations - subject to change without notice
All Sellers must pay their rent and receive pass prior to setting up. Sellers staying overnight must pay overnight fee before setting up.
Hours open to public are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Gates open for dealers at 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Gates closed 10 p.m. Friday.
All sellers are required to be set up and open for business by 10:00 a.m. Booths not occupied by 10:00 a.m. may be re-rented by management without refund. No loaning or subletting of spaces.
Electric plugs located on support posts are for demonstration or testing of electrical merchandise.
and may not be used for any other purpose especially hot plates, air conditioners, fans, electric heaters or cooking. ALL OTHER ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RV's ARE PROVIDED ON POLES LOCATED IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE MARKET.
One vehicle per selling space. All other vehicles to be parked in parking lot or area approved by management. Each selling space has approximately 20 feet of dealer parking directly behind space - do not block driveway behind selling spaces. If desired, dealer's vehicle may be moved to an authorized area and parking space can be uses as additional selling area.
Sales Tax Permits and the collections of taxes shall be the responsibility of the seller. The collection of sales tax should be based on State Tax Rate, not city of Austin. Sellers must comply with all state and federal laws in regard to the merchandise they display and sell.
Sellers should obtain adequate property, liability and workmen's compensation insurance. In the event Austin Country is sued for any negligent acts of a Seller, Austin Country's insurance company will subrogate against said Seller for full amount of any loss paid.
Keep all merchandise, tables and display racks behind yellow line. All sales or soliciting must be conducted from within assigned selling space. Do not hand or place anything between spaces that will be offensive to your neighbor or block view of their merchandise.
Banned items for sale include but are not limited to ALL FOOD ITEMS,dangerous animals, dogs, poisonous snakes, drugs and drug paraphernalia, ammunition, fireworks, obscene materials including items displaying foul language. No counterfeit merchandise including counterfeit logos and labels. WHEN IN DOUBT, CONTACT MANAGEMENT. Austin Country reserves the right to restrict the sale or display of any item it deems not in the best interest of running an orderly market. Austin Country is not responsible for any display material or merchandise on the premises.
Animals for sale must be kept in cages or other suitable container. Animals must have food and water available. Cages must be kept clean.
Dealers are responsible for clean up of their selling and parking area. All paper garbage and cardboard boxes are to be placed in the large dumpsters located around the market - DO NOT USE THE SMALL TRASH CANS LOCATED IN THE CENTER AISLES. All boxes must be broken down flat before putting them into the dumpster. DUMPSTERS ARE FOR PAPER TRASH AND CARDBOARD BOXES - DO NOT PUT UNSOLD MERCHANDISE INTO DUMPSTERS.
Dealers are expected to dress appropriately including but not limited to the fact that all dealers must wear shoes, shirts and no offensive signage on the clothing. Public intoxication or the use of foul language will not be tolerated.
ALL PETS MUST BE ON LEASH AND KEPT AT YOUR RENTED SPACE. Children must be under your control and kept at your space unless accompanied by an adult.
Loud or boisterous noises will be prohibited including loud demonstration of sound and musical equipment.
Vendors are not allowed in concessions stands for any reason whether market is open or not. Tampering with equipment or removing merchandise is illegal and will be dealt with accordingly.
There is a limited supply of water available for restroom use only. Restroom sinks are for washing hands, and specifically NOT TO BE USED for bathing, showers or washing clothes. There is a shower on the property that is to be used for vendors staying overnight. Check with the office for information. Vendors with motorhomes, campers or trailers will not be allowed to fill water tanks from Austin country water supply. Holding tanks or drain water must not be dumped on Austin Country property. IF YOU DUMP YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM SELLING AT AUSTIN COUNTRY.
Vendors with tarps or backboards must leave a two foot opening at the top of their booth for air circulation. THIS OPENING SHOULD NOT BE BLOCKED BY MERCHANDISE, SIGNS OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS. THEY ARE REQUIRED TO BE OPEN AT ALL TIMES ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, except during rain, heavy winds or cold weather.
Vendors who use the same selling space on a continuous basis may not install extension cords to run PERMANENT electricity from the power source to your booth and within your booth. No extension cords are to be left on the premises during the week, even if they are unplugged. Also, NO electric devices, including light fixtures, are to be PERMANENTLY installed unless the work is done by a licensed electrical contractor and a permit had been obtained from the City of Austin. Any work to selling space must first be approved by the Office.
Any additions and alterations to selling spaces or buildings require permission of management. Any construction or improvements allowed must meet management's approval using approved materials and meet any appearance standards set by management. Wood backboards, walls, display racks or countertops must be painted.
structures, shelters, additions or alterations are to be constructed
the paved area and beyond the metal roofline of the pole barn. A trailer parked behind selling space may be used as storage. The trailer must be kept on wheels with tires inflated. Any trailer used must be capable of being licensed for use on public roads.
The office is limited in the amount of change available to sellers. We would appreciate you anticipating your needs and bring your own change. Please do not send customers to the office to cash checks. We accept checks for the payment of vendors booth rent only.
Refund coupons for parking are
good for vendors and vendor employees only
. When presented to office for refund, coupons must be filled in and
must be accompanied by a
current paid vendors pass
. Refunds are good only on the weekend of the date stamped on the coupon. Vendors are limited to two refunds per day per booth. Refund coupons
are not
handed out until after 12:00 pm
. Vendors coming in between 10:00 and 12:00
will pay the
entry fee
Management reserves the right to reject any vendor from the market or refuse rental for any reason.
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